Speak with an Expert

Combining Assessment Insight and the Voice of Your Teams to Build Targeted Improvement Plans

Leaders across industries and geographies are continually being asked to “Do More with Less…”.  While this reality isn’t new, it’s definitely not going away anytime soon. The question, then, is how to consistently deliver more value across your teams in sustainable ways…  

The good news is that Agile and Business Agility practices can do just that – help you deliver more value, faster, on a consistent basis. 

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Onboarding and Enabling Team Success

Summer Mau, Valmont

Summer shared that onboarding and team success is based on how people hear and process information.

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In Case You Missed It: AgilityHealth’s Most Popular Content in 2019

Curious about what people were reading, downloading and sharing in 2019? We’ve gathered a list of the most popular content, along with exciting new events and workshops to help you measure what matters and create a culture of continuous improvement at every level.

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How Are You Measuring Your Agile Talent Development?

Introducing the Agile Talent & HR Radar Assessment
We are so excited to bring you our newest radar that focuses on how the HR department enables and drives Agility within an organization. We believe that this domain within an organization is one of the most critical components of an Agile transformation. No matter which Agile framework you favor, one common theme has to take front and center and that is the people aspect of Agile – employees, teams, leadership, culture, change, etc. – are the oil that is required to ensure a well-oiled machine.

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Stories from Our First Agile Talent & HR Workshop

We were very excited to host the inaugural session of the Agile Talent & HR (Talent Strategist Certification) Workshop at Agile Transformation, Inc. headquarters January 10-11, 2019.
This topic is hot right now and a critical missing piece to the Agile transformation roadmap. No Agile journey has any hope of real success without involving HR teams in enabling and driving the people, team, leadership and change interventions.

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Top Agile Roles to Develop in 2019

The challenge many organizations implementing (or have implemented) Agile find early on is that there are a number of critical roles and skills they suddenly require that have not been a part of the organization’s DNA before.

The manner in which the areas of the organization are implementing Agile are structured is significantly different to a traditional organization. Suddenly, there is a key requirement for roles such as ScrumMasters, Release Train Engineers, Product Owners/Managers, Agile Coaches, Portfolio Leaders, Community of Practice Leaders, etc. (referred to as Agile Enablers).

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Evan Leybourn’s Domains of Business Agility

Evan Leybourn, founder of the Business Agility Institute, created the now-famous Domains of Business Agility in a quick sketch that he released to the public right before going into surgery. Eight hours later, when he was allowed access to his laptop again, he discovered that his innovative idea had exploded online and was being discussed worldwide.
What was in that quick sketch that made so many people stop and take notice?
In this video, Leybourn and Agile Transformation, Inc.’s Sally Elatta discuss the Domains of Business Agility and how it helps organizations thrive in an unpredictable world.

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Business Agility with Evan Leybourn

How do you create an Agile organization? Evan Leybourn, founder of the Business Agility Institute, provides a quick, detailed breakdown of the domains of business Agility in this short video.

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