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Recent Posts by Jason Molesworth

Enterprise Business Agility Strategist

Evolving the Role of the Manager to Focus on Removing Obstacles for Their Teams

In traditional hierarchical organizations, the manager is looked to as the person with all the answers, the Decision Maker, the “Head Honcho”…  As we evolve our ways of working, though, we’re realizing that energized, engaged, and empowered teams consistently deliver more value than those led in a traditional “Command and Control” manner.  For those who haven’t viewed David Marquet’s “Greatness” video, I’d absolutely recommend taking 10 minutes to view it, as he does an amazing job bringing these concepts to life.

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Combining Assessment Insight and the Voice of Your Teams to Build Targeted Improvement Plans

Leaders across industries and geographies are continually being asked to “Do More with Less…”.  While this reality isn’t new, it’s definitely not going away anytime soon. The question, then, is how to consistently deliver more value across your teams in sustainable ways…  

The good news is that Agile and Business Agility practices can do just that – help you deliver more value, faster, on a consistent basis. 

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Coping With the “New Normal”

Maturing your teams in a distributed, virtual environment to mitigate coronavirus disruption

Key points

  • Organizations will increasingly create distributed, virtual teams to mitigate possible disruptions due to the coronavirus epidemic
  • Distributed, virtual teams can be high performing, but there are some additional challenges that often need to be solved for
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Jump Starting Your EBA Journey

Lessons from the EBA Trenches

The Good News: Innovation and New Ways of Working are rapidly evolving the way organizations deliver value for their customers.  With integrated Digital strategies, Machine Learning & AI, Cloud Computing, Agile Enterprises, Rapid Prototyping, etc. “The Art of the Possible” is changing at an astounding pace.

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