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What Is Enterprise Business Agility?

Evolving from “Agile Transformations” to “Enterprise Business Agility”
There is a noticeable shift and perhaps an evolution from focusing on Agile transformations, which aim to optimize delivery within IT, to enabling Enterprise Business Agility (EBA) – transformations where a more holistic strategy is needed to enable true Enterprise Agility both within technology and beyond.
Why? Simply put, focusing only on delivery optimization hasn’t achieved the intended business outcomes most executives and leaders were aiming for.

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Exploring Business Agility

In a business context, agility is the ability of an organization to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in productive and cost-effective ways.

The adoption of business agility mindsets, structures, and practices is accelerating. Despite the hype, it’s more than a buzzword. It is a significant, yet nuanced, change in the ways companies operate. In today’s unpredictable economy, the benefits are clear.

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Strategic Intent

A strategic intent is the north star or ambition of the organization over the next 3 years. These statements help bring clarity to the overall direction and can serve to energize and rally your organization around.  Questions to consider:

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Business Outcomes Tracking

Insight and visibility at all levels of your organization
The business world is abuzz about business outcomes. You’ve skimmed the headlines, you’ve watched the videos, but you’re still scratching your head on how it all works and probably wondering ‘what’s in it for me?’

A lot of organizations are focused on outputs not outcomes – and they struggle to balance demand with capacity. This is why the largest and most successful companies on the planet are using business outcomes because they’re fast, measurable, and most importantly, they clear up confusion on what we’re doing and why. In a word: Alignment. When we’re all rowing the same way, we can get there in half the time and with less wasted energy.

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How Are You Measuring Your Agile Talent Development?

Introducing the Agile Talent & HR Radar Assessment
We are so excited to bring you our newest radar that focuses on how the HR department enables and drives Agility within an organization. We believe that this domain within an organization is one of the most critical components of an Agile transformation. No matter which Agile framework you favor, one common theme has to take front and center and that is the people aspect of Agile – employees, teams, leadership, culture, change, etc. – are the oil that is required to ensure a well-oiled machine.

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Stories from Our First Agile Talent & HR Workshop

We were very excited to host the inaugural session of the Agile Talent & HR (Talent Strategist Certification) Workshop at Agile Transformation, Inc. headquarters January 10-11, 2019.
This topic is hot right now and a critical missing piece to the Agile transformation roadmap. No Agile journey has any hope of real success without involving HR teams in enabling and driving the people, team, leadership and change interventions.

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Top Agile Roles to Develop in 2019

The challenge many organizations implementing (or have implemented) Agile find early on is that there are a number of critical roles and skills they suddenly require that have not been a part of the organization’s DNA before.

The manner in which the areas of the organization are implementing Agile are structured is significantly different to a traditional organization. Suddenly, there is a key requirement for roles such as ScrumMasters, Release Train Engineers, Product Owners/Managers, Agile Coaches, Portfolio Leaders, Community of Practice Leaders, etc. (referred to as Agile Enablers).

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Help Your Clients Measure What Matters with AgilityHealth®

Looking for a way to grow your business and help your clients achieve measurable and sustainable transformations? The AgilityHealth Partner Program makes it easy for you to show your clients exactly where you can help them based on key metrics, as well as prove and measure your impact before and after their Agile transformation.

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Developing Agile Talent Across Your Company

To be more adaptable and efficient, organizations are looking for ways to develop critical roles within their Agile teams across business operations, HR, marketing, and more.

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Measurement and Agile – Oil and Water? (Part 4)

Are you feeling more confident that measurement and Agile can coexist? We certainly hope so! As you may have seen in the previous posts (1, 2, 3) of this blog series, many Agilists may shy away from measurements and metrics, but there are ways to not only make it safe for organizations to measure, but even derive great value from the insights gained.

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