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The Future of EBA Change Agents

AgilityHealth Enables You to Scale & Accelerate Your Transformation
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Movement is coming for those of us that are changing the world! Based on our experiences, change agent programs need to be designed with the intent to build T-Shaped leaders – change agents who specialize in specific pillars/areas and enable the organization to achieve outcomes by improving the maturity within their specific areas of need. Here’s a quick video overview.

By investing in expanding the skills of change agents and leaders, organizations can accelerate their enterprise business agility maturity and achieve faster outcomes.

We’ve found that today, in organizations of size that are focused on scaling, most are in need of more specialized change agents than generalizing specialists. These individuals need to have specialized skill sets & the equivalent experience in the specific areas that a particular organization is seeking to mature. By developing a tailored change agent program, you can accelerate the achievement of your goals & increase talent within the organization all while investing in expanding your leadership teams’ experience & maturity level in those areas needed.

There are various levels of need for change agents, each equally important but vary in many ways.

Level 1 – Team Agility

These individuals work at the team level, focus on dynamics, team level culture & activities/ceremonies & set up the teams themselves for success. Their areas of focus could include agile practices, technical specialties, leadership, etc.

Level 2 – Team of Teams Agility

Team of Teams focus on the agility surrounding scaling, cross-team planning (utilizing the preferred scaling methodology), discovery practices (i.e. Mobius loop or 5-day sprint), measurement / continuous improvement (AgilityHealth experts), talent development & outcomes. They are primarily focused on building & executing strategic plans to achieve scaling goals.

Level 3 – Organizational Agility

Organizational Agility change agents focus on building & organizing the strategy for organizational agility across the organization.

How It Works?

There is not a cookie-cutter, one size fits all approach. Each company is unique & should customize their plan based on their unique challenges. That being said, there are some patterns we’ve identified that present themselves time & time again.

  • Build the Program Strategy
  • Qualify Candidates
  • Kick-off & Change Agent Assessment
  • Enable Change Agents
  • Drive Impactful Engagements

Want to learn more about what’s working for us? Contact Us

Looking For Specialized Training?

If you are looking for specialized training & enablement to get you started, we have training opportunities you can participate in to learn more:

How Can You Measure Success?

Utilize AgilityHealth® to measure success at every level.




Sally Elatta, CEO & Founder @ AgilityHealth®    



Dawn Thiem, Vice President EBA @ AgilityHealth®



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