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2022 AgilityHealth Radar Updates

Oftentimes, in order to move forward, people follow the ‘out with the old, in with the new’ train of thought. A focus on continuous improvement can certainly follow that pattern. But at AgilityHealth®, we’ve learned that even though there’s a need for new developments, there’s frequently no reason to throw out the old when you can simply make a few improvements instead! With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce new AgilityHealth Radars to help further your transformation journey, as well as enhancements to some of our favorite radars and Growth Portals. Many of these new developments stemmed from feedback and ideas received from current customers. Here’s what we’ve done with those continuous improvement suggestions!  

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Using Data to Develop a Continuous Improvement Strategy

Over the last few years, organizations have needed to make a shift from reacting in a disorganized manner when something unexpected happens to proactively addressing or responding to disruptions quickly and effectively. This approach has helped organizations to rapidly recover, thrive, and move forward, thus improving their business agility. 

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The Target Dojo Experience

 Travis Klinker, Target

At the EBA Summit this past September, Travis shared that starting an agile journey was not easy and they certainly had to practice patience. When starting Agile at Target not everyone was ready for the change. With a larger organization, it’s hard to change the mindset. The video recording of Travis’s presentation and slides can be found here.

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Scaling Agile Learning Across Your Enterprise

Reskilling… upskilling… the future of work. No matter how it’s defined, companies are challenged with a critical need to build – and retain – skilled workforces to stay competitive.

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Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile Capitalization

With the severe impact COVID-19 has had on most businesses during the last several months, many organizations are putting their key transformation and improvement initiatives on hold.  This may be due to uncertainty of the future and the direction of the company, it could be due to changing priorities, but most commonly, it’s due to the financial impact many industries have suffered in 2020. Most organizations want to continue or embark on their transformation efforts but are finding it difficult to do so during this time. If you’re feeling the pain from these circumstances or simply need to free up some OpEx flexibility, allow me to introduce an approach that could help fund some of your transformation work or other key improvement initiatives that will help prepare for and lead future disruption.

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Realigning 2020 Priorities

Designing a Continuous Improvement Strategy Based on Data

Recently, companies have shifted from reacting to proactively responding to the disruptions COVID-19 created. They’re using these approaches to recover, thrive and move forward: 

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Evolving the Role of the Manager to Focus on Removing Obstacles for Their Teams

In traditional hierarchical organizations, the manager is looked to as the person with all the answers, the Decision Maker, the “Head Honcho”…  As we evolve our ways of working, though, we’re realizing that energized, engaged, and empowered teams consistently deliver more value than those led in a traditional “Command and Control” manner.  For those who haven’t viewed David Marquet’s “Greatness” video, I’d absolutely recommend taking 10 minutes to view it, as he does an amazing job bringing these concepts to life.

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Combining Assessment Insight and the Voice of Your Teams to Build Targeted Improvement Plans

Leaders across industries and geographies are continually being asked to “Do More with Less…”.  While this reality isn’t new, it’s definitely not going away anytime soon. The question, then, is how to consistently deliver more value across your teams in sustainable ways…  

The good news is that Agile and Business Agility practices can do just that – help you deliver more value, faster, on a consistent basis. 

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Coping With the “New Normal”

Maturing your teams in a distributed, virtual environment to mitigate coronavirus disruption

Key points

  • Organizations will increasingly create distributed, virtual teams to mitigate possible disruptions due to the coronavirus epidemic
  • Distributed, virtual teams can be high performing, but there are some additional challenges that often need to be solved for
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Top Tips and Resources for Working Remotely

As more and more companies are moving to remote/virtual team collaboration, there is a wealth of strategies we can leverage to shorten learning curves and enhance productivity.

In our recent webinar, participants shared their top suggestions for working remotely:

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